Urban Ground Resort & Residence

Understanding any significance and/or importance to Urban Ground Resort & Residence, Village Resorts Hospitality Group, LLC, and Urban Ground Resort, LLC, do not adhere to social movements which may be defined as an organized effort by a body of people, organizations, institutions, or governments organized to achieve a particular goal usually social, political, or religious and in most cases social movements may be carried out to exact a social change, resist social change, or undo social change and Urban Ground Resort & Residence is a social, political, and religious MOVEMENT free environment who’s conduct of business is guided by our intent, purpose and mission statement.
Urban Ground Resort & Residence maintains a set of Standard Operational Procedures (SOP’s) as general property rules to include our own standards regarding Social Responsibility.
Per our intent, purpose and mission statement, while Urban Ground Resort & Residence may be a gay resort and private gay residence aimed at gay black men first, Urban Ground Resort & Residence is a commercial space privately owned by Urban Ground Resort, LLC, open to Guests 18 years of age and older within a gay demographic first as we are a gay established establishment.
Urban Ground Resort, LLC, does not discriminate, and discrimination will not be tolerated. But all guests, visitors, and strangers of any Nationality regardless of race, color, religion, origin, origination, gender, and sexual orientation are reminded of their “individual social responsibilities” not to engage in favoritism, discrimination, hostility, and aggression while on Urban Ground Resort & Residence property as such behavior goes against our standing policy and mission statement of providing a curated environment free of fear and oppression.
Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) may be defined as “the responsibility that each individual has to act in a socially responsible manner,” and Urban Ground Resort, LLC, asks all Guests to act in a manner consistent with individual social responsibility while on the grounds of Urban Ground Resort & Residence to ensure our curated environment remains free of fear and oppression as we strive to offer an environment built on quality hospitality and entertainment within a gay demographic.
From time to time at our sole discretion Urban Ground Resort & Residence to include the hotels and resorts at Urban Ground Resort, may be made available to and host events non particular to a gay demographic as part of our Blackout Dates promotions. In the future, all blackout dates may be found on our website indicating what venues, dates, times and occurrences may be subject to blackout dates.
The purpose and intent behind Urban Ground Resort & Residence is based on true and accurate accounts in both state, federal, and international politics and while we may warmly welcome others Urban Ground Resort & Residence does not condone nor tolerate racism, discrimination, or harassment while on venue property.
In violation of our policies Urban Ground Resort, LLC, may limit, restrict, deny, and expel any guests, visitor, or stranger regardless of nationality or race, color, religion, origin, origination, gender, and sexual orientation for failure to comply with any of our rules.
Thank you for your continued interest in Urban Ground Resort & Residence, the newest premier gay resort and gay residential destination.